Somerville Christian School
An Outreach Ministry of
Mercy’s Bridge Church
205 Henry Drive
Somerville, TN 38068
(901) 465-2870
“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” John 3:16 KJV
Table of Contents
1. Somerville Christian School Vision and Mission Statements
2. Legal Status of Somerville Christian School and Non-discriminatory Policy
3. Somerville Christian School Faculty
4. Admissions Policy
5. Enrollment Procedures and Required Documents for Student Records
6. Kindergarten and First Grade Entrance Requirements
7. Courses Offered
8. Required Course for Graduation
9. Grading Periods and Grading Scale
10. Policy on Promotion and Retention
11. Honors and Awards
12. Fire, Tornado, Emergency Actions, and Inclement Weather
13. Board of Directors
14. Dropping Off and Picking Up Procedures
15. Tobacco Policy and Weapons Policy
16. Lunch Program and Transportation
17. Dress Code
18. School Rules
19. Home School Regulations
Somerville Christion School Vision
Our purpose is to offer a Christ-centered education to children and youth, with the goals of leading lost souls to Christ and mentoring the development of Christian character.
Somerville Christian School Mission
Somerville Christian School was started for the purpose of providing a quality Christ-centered education. We believe the most important thing in any person’s life is to know Jesus Christ as his or her personal SAVIOR. Our mission is to provide a quality Christ-centered education, and we believe that children and youth benefit most from learning about Christ in an integrated academic setting. At Somerville Christian School, we use the ABeka curriculum for our Day School Program. ABeka is a challenging, Christ-centered curriculum that integrates the word of God into each and every subject text. We also use a similar curriculum for our Home School Program, the Accelerated Christian Education (A.C.E.) curriculum is widely used in home school programs across America, and it also incorporates the Word of God into the lessons. We also believe that part of a Christ-centered education is to develop Christian character. By instilling the word of God into the lives of children and youth at Somerville Christian School, we are building a foundation for a Christian life. Each and every faculty member at Somerville Christian School is committed to building this Christian foundation and to educating your children and youth.
Legal Status of Somerville Christian School
Somerville Christian School is registered with the State of Tennessee as a Category IV Church Related School. Tennessee State Law, T.C.A.49-50-801, allows schools to operate legally in the state of Tennessee if the school is operated by a church or a bona-fide church organization and if the school is a member of one of the associations listed in said law. Somerville Christian School is a member of the Tennessee Association of Non-public Academic Schools (TANAS), which is an association under this law. Membership with TANAS in no way denotes state control of Somerville Christian School. Somerville Christian School is exempt from state accreditation and does not refer to itself as being accredited.
Please be aware that students transferring to a public school may be required to take pre-placement tests to determine grade entry. Please be aware that Somerville Christian School may also request that students take a pre-placement test upon entry to our own academic system. We strongly urge that all students participate in taking standardized tests to assist with the determination of a student’s academic performance.
Students graduating from Somerville Christian School with college preparatory courses are accepted into community colleges, colleges, technical schools, and universities. However, students who score below average on the ACT or SAT College Entrance Exams may be required to take the GED before admission. Please note that any post high school institution can request that a student take the GED before allowing admittance to the school. Also, students requesting financial aid from the state can be requested to take the GED. Students preparing to attend any community college, technical school, or university should inquire with the institution of their choice concerning any other admissions criteria. Somerville Christian School will be happy to assist as much as possible.
Somerville Christian School Non-discriminatory Policy
Somerville Christian School admits children and youth of any race, color, ethnicity, or nationality. As outlined in the Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, Somerville Christian School will not discriminate on the basis of sex in any educational programs or activities or employment, except where necessary according to religious tenets held by the school and the overseeing body.
Somerville Christian School Faculty
Somerville Christian School has excellent qualified Christian faculty members. Please note that Category IV schools are not required to hire certified teachers. However, we strive to hire academically and spiritually qualified faculty. We believe that certification does not always mean that a person is qualified to teach or instill the word of God into our students. We strive to hire faculty based on academics, experience, and spiritual calling. We also use the principles listed below, which are outlines by the Tennessee Association of Non-Public Academics Schools (TANAS).
1. The person possesses a gift for teaching and knows the subject, truth, skill or art to be taught.
2. The person knows the language or vocabulary of the subject to be taught (i.e. math, language terms)
3. The person can assess where a child is in his or her learning and can link new knowledge to known facts and skills.
4. The person can arouse and use student’s mind to grasp a desired thought or to master a desired skill or art.
5. The person can test or assess the proof of teaching done.
6. The person honestly feels called by God to teach and possesses the Godly gift of teaching (Refer to the Biblical scripture in Romans 12:6-8, I Corinthians 12:5-11 and 28-31, and Ephesians 4:11-16).
Admissions Policy
Somerville Christian School will not discriminate in admitting any person based upon his or her gender, religion, race, color, ethnicity, and/or nationality.
Somerville Christian School will not discriminate in admitting any person based upon a physical or mental disability. However, please be aware that we do not have a Special Education Program. We will work with any student who has special needs in order to help him or her reach his or her highest potential by using parts of our current curriculum.
While Somerville Christian School does not discriminate in admitting any student, please be aware that all students will be required to follow the rules and regulations established by Somerville Christian School. Somerville Christian School reserves the right to suspend or dismiss any student who does not cooperate with the established rules and/or regulations. Somerville Christian School reserves the right to suspend or dismiss any student who presents any unethical or immoral activity that is contrary to the discipline and/or doctrine of Somerville Christian School. *Somerville Christian School reserves the right to suspend or dismiss any student who fails to comply with the Somerville Christian School educational process.
Please note that Somerville Christian School will not accept Kindergarten transfers after the end of the first nine-week period. This is due to the limitations placed on students who have not been with our curriculum program from the beginning of the school year. It is in the student’s best interest to begin with our Kindergarten program no later than the end of the first nine-week period because of the reading and phonics elements introduced during the first semester of school.
*Somerville Christian School acknowledges the TANAS Manual as the source for this statement.
Enrollment Procedures
To enroll your child in any Somerville Christian School program, please contact the Somerville Christian School Office Monday-Thursday between 7:45 AM and 3:30 PM at (901)465-2870. You may set up an appointment to speak with Somerville Christian School staff about our school and to take a tour of the school. You may also drop in to pick up an enrollment packet, which you may complete in the office or mail back to us. Feel free to bring the packet back to the office in person.
Please be aware that requesting a packet of information does not mean that your student is enrolled. You must complete and return the enrollment packets with the appropriate registration fees, in order to be enrolled at Somerville Christian School. Also, we must have a name and address of the school from which your child is transferring in order to accurately place your child in the correct grade and to order the appropriate curriculum material for child.
Please be aware that we must have valid school records before we can accurately place or promote any student into any specified grade level. Somerville Christian School requires complete transcripts from all students transferring from other schools before permanent grade placement can be confirmed. We also require all achievement test data that a student has accumulated. Social security numbers, birth certificates, shot records, and Somerville Christian School registration documents must be completed for all students attending Somerville Christian School. If a student’s transcripts do not support specific grade promotion, we will NOT place a student in a grade level above what he or she has earned. If a student’s performance level is in question, we reserve the right to require that a student take an entrance exam to help determine the appropriate grade placement and/or curriculum level.
Documentation Needed for Student Records upon Enrollment
*Somerville Christian School Student Information Form and Application
*Somerville Christian School Financial Agreement for the current year
*Copy of his/her Birth Certificate
*Copy of his/her school physical
*The original TN Green Card showing that he/she is up to date on all required state mandated
immunizations. (If you are out of state, we will still need a current up to date shot record for
your child. If you do have a shot record because immunizations go against your religious
beliefs, please see the Somerville Christian School Administrator to complete the necessary
paperwork for your child’s file reflecting this religious exemption.)
Kindergarten Requirements
Somerville Christian School, according to member policy agreements, requires that all students entering Kindergarten must be five years old before September 1st. Also, all students enrolling in Kindergarten must have a physical or health report by his or her physician before entering school. He or she must also have a TN Green Card reflecting that he or she has had all of his or her required immunizations. If the student does not have immunizations because of religious affiliation, please see Somerville Christian School Administration to arrange for proper exemption paper work to be filed regarding this requirement.
First Grade Entrance Requirements
Somerville Christian School, according to member policy agreements, requires that all students entering the First Grade must be six years old before September 1st. If transferring from another school, please see the previous section on Documentation Needed for Student Records upon Enrollment.
Somerville Christian School
K-12th Courses
Elementary Courses Offered
Language Science
Reading Health
Phonics Math/Number Skills
Spelling Social Studies
Writing P.E.
Please note that to reinforce moral and character values, our elementary students are also graded on responsibility, class participation, cooperation, and conduct.
High School Courses Offered
English and Composition(I, II, III, and IV) Health/Lifetime Wellness
Algebra I and II Economics
Geometry U.S. Government
Advanced Math World History
Consumer Math U.S. History
Spanish I and II Personal Finance
Physical Science Visual/Performing Arts(Choir/Basic Art)
Other elective courses offered for Day and Home School through Extensive Study:
Basic Art Home Economics Auto Mechanics
Computer Literacy Accounting Speech
Typing Music Shop
Distributive Education (work credit, 12th only)
Somerville Christian School
Required Courses for Graduation
General and College Preparatory Diploma
Bible– 1 credit per year while attending Somerville Christian School
English Comp/ Lit– 4 credits
English I, II, III, and IV
Math– 4 credits
Alg I
Alg II
Advanced Math
Science– 3 credits
Physical Science
Social Studies/ History-3 credits
World History
U.S. History
Economics (1/2 credit)
U. S. Government (1/2 credit)
Lifetime Wellness– 1 1/2 credit
(P.E. 1/2 credit/Health 1 credit)
Personal Finance– 1/2 credit
Visual/Performing Arts-1 credit
*Foreign Language– 2 credits
(must be in the same language)
Electives– 3 credits
Total Credits Required
College Preparatory 23-26 credits
General Diploma 21-24 credits
*Required for college preparatory students only
Grading Periods and Grading Scale
The Somerville Christian School grading period for grades K-12 functions on a schedule of four nine-week periods. Throughout each nine-weeks, faculty will instruct, monitor, and test students’ academic progress on material covered according to the established curriculum and lessons plans for that grade. At the end of each nine-weeks, faculty will administer comprehensive nine-weeks in each subject. The first two nine-weeks periods will make up our first semester of school. At the end of the second nine-week period, comprehensive semester exams will be administered to the students. The last two nine-periods will make up our second semester of school. At the end of the fourth nine-week period. comprehensive final exams will be administered to students to determine their progress in each academic area.
Our faculty members follow the grading scale listed below:
A= 100-93
B= 92-85
F= 69 and below
S= Satisfactory
N= Needs Improvement
U= Unsatisfactory
F= Failing
Policy on Promotion and Retention
Students must pass all of the required course subjects with at least an average grade of 70(D) or above. The required course subjects that must be passed are English-Language, Science, Math, and Social Studies-History. If a student fails any of these courses, he or she will be required to show documented proof that he or she attended summer school and/or received at least thirty hours of tutoring over the summer in the failed course or courses. If a student fails two or more of the required courses, he or she will be retained in his or her current grade. Please be aware that Somerville Christian School reserves the right to place a student in an appropriate lower grade level or curriculum if we feel that the student’s academic progress and/or social skills are not advanced enough for the next grade level. Please note that Somerville Christian School will only offer summer sessions if there is a great need to justify the operation of summer school. Somerville Christian School reserves the right to retain any student who fails to comply with the Somerville Christian School academic process.
Please be aware that Somerville Christian School reserves the right to suspend or dismiss any student who is not complying with Somerville Christian School rules, regulations, and/or academic progress.
Under new guidelines, Somerville Christian School must notify the Fayette County Board of Education any time a student misses five (5) days of school without a reasonable excuse, whether they are consecutive or not. Please note that reasons such as oversleeping, helping clean house, staying up late the night before, etc. are not reasonable excuses. Also, please remember that three (3) unexcused tardies and/or any day of suspension will count as an unexcused absence. Please note that a student must be present at school at least four and a half hours to be counted present for a whole day. Somerville Christian School will not promote any student who has exceeded the maximum allowed absences of 20 days to the next grade level. Somerville Christian School will take into consideration mandatory hospitalization, family death, or other serious incidents on a case by case basis. Parents and students must monitor their absences. Somerville Christian School will notify parents and students once a student reaches and/or surpasses the allowed number of absences. Any student who misses more than 20 days of scheduled classes for any reason will be turned in to the Fayette County Board of Education as truant. Please be prepared to present information regarding excused and unexcused absences for their consideration. The student and his or her parents will also be required to appear before the Somerville Christian School Board of Directors to appeal his or her case for promotion.
Honors and Awards
Somerville Christian School loves recognizing students who display excellent academics, who make outstanding progress, who have perfect attendance, and who show Christian character. We do this by bestowing certificate awards at the end of the year. We also recognize our “A” Honor Roll and our “A-B” Honor Roll students each nine-weeks by announcing their names and achievements in our chapel services. The requirements for our Honors and Awards are listed below.
“A” Honor Roll: Students must have an “A” average in all subjects and an “E” in conduct, responsibility, cooperation, and class participation.
“A-B” Honor Roll: Students must have an “A” or “B” average in all subjects and an “E” or “S” in conduct, responsibility, cooperation, and class participation.
Outstanding Progress: Students must show diligent effort and improvement in an area of academia throughout the school year, with a positive attitude.
Perfect Attendance: Students must have perfect 180-day attendance for the entire school year. Remenber that a student must be in school for four and a half hours for it to count as a school day.
Christian Character: Students must conduct themselves in an outstanding manner that reflects what scripture teaches us about how we should act, react, treat others, live, etc.
Senior Valedictorian: This student must have the highest GPA of all students who are completing school with the A BEKA and/or Accelerated Christian Education curriculum and who are taking college preparatory courses. This student must have an overall “A” average. Any student found or suspected of cheating is not eligible for this award.
Senior Salutatorian: This student must have the second highest GPA of all students who are completing school with the A BEKA and/or Accelerated Christian Education curriculum and who are taking college preparatory courses. This student must have an overall “A” or “B” average. Any student found or suspected of cheating is not eligible for this award.
Senior Honors: These students must have an overall “A” or “B” average, either in the A BEKA or Accelerated Christian Education curriculum. Any student found or suspected cheating is not eligible for this award.
Fire, Tornado, and Emergency Actions
Fire Safety Procedures
In the event of a fire on Somerville Christian School campus, we will proceed as follows:
1. Faculty will gather all students in a single file line from the classroom exit door or whatever area they are in at the time of the fire. As the faculty member is forming the single file line of students, he or she will take an initial head count and report any missing student or faculty to administration. The faculty member will also take his or her grade book to ensure that we have an accurate account of all students who were present on this day. All students and faculty will proceed in a calm manner outside the building according to the posted fire exit plans in each school room.
2. Upon exiting the building, all students and faculty will gather on the far end of the play area. This will be the far right end of the play area, farthest from the school buildings. The students and faculty will line up in grade order, beginning with Kindergarten and 1st grades on the far right. Faculty will conduct another head count and use the grade book to do a roll call. Again, faculty will notify administration of any missing students or faculty.
3. Administration will ensure that all students and faculty are proceeding as planned out of the building. Administration will do a “sweep” of the building to ensure that all individuals are out of the buildings. Administration will also immediately ensure that the appropriate emergency response teams are contacted.
4. Administration and faculty will contact parents and guardians as soon as the situation is safely under control.
Somerville Christian School will conduct as least three random fire drills each year to ensure that all students and faculty are aware of what to do in case of an emergency.
Fire, Tornado, and Emergency Actions
Tornado or Storm Safety
In the event of a severe storm or tornado, Somerville Christian School will proceed as follows:
1. Upon being informed by administration, faculty will gather all students into the inner hallway of the school building. Faculty will gather students into a single file line and complete an initial head count for students. Faculty will report to administration any students unaccounted for. Faculty will take their grade books for a later head count, once all students are in safety. Students and faculty will exit in a single file line into this hallway and assume the safety position for tornadoes (on knees with hands covering head).
2. Once all students are in the hallway and in the safety position, faculty will use their grade books to complete an accurate head count on all students who reported to school that day. Again, faculty will report to administration any missing students or faculty.
3. Administration will ensure that students and faculty are proceeding as planned into the middle room. Administration will do a “sweep” of the building to ensure that all staff and faculty have made it into the inner middle room. Administration will contact emergency personnel as needed.
4. Students and faculty will remain in the middle room until the weather service has ended the warning. If any harm results due to the storm, parents will be notified as soon as it is safely possible.
Somerville Christian School will conduct as least three random storm drills each year to ensure that all students and faculty are aware of what to do in case of an emergency.
Fire, Tornado, and Emergency Actions
Emergency Plan
In case of a general emergency, all students and faculty will proceed into the inner hallway of the school building in a single file line. Faculty will conduct a head count with the grade book record of attendance. Administration will conduct a “sweep” of the buildings to make sure all are gathered in the main area of the school building. Depending upon the nature of the emergency, administration and faculty will contact parents as needed. In case of a long term stay at the school, we request that each year each student send in a nonperishable snack, tissues, and water in a gallon size bag with the student and teacher’s name on it. We also appreciate the donation of any first aid supplies or blankets.
Inclement Weather
When there is the possibility of school closure due to inclement weather, please tune in to Channel 3 for information on closings. If it begins to snow or roads begin to ice over we advise you to pick up your child as soon as possible.
Somerville Christian School Board of Directors
Somerville Christian School functions at the discretion of the Somerville Christian School Board of Directors. Our Board of Directors oversees all issues of finance, litigation, hiring, and other major decisions. The members of the Somerville Christian School Board of Directors consist of members from Mercy’s Bridge Church and members of our general community and school.
Dropping Off, Picking Up, and Visitor Procedures
Dropping Off and Late Arrivals
Please be aware that the school day begins promptly at 7:45 AM each morning. Attendance is turned into the office by no later than 8:00 AM each morning. If a student is tardy for any reason, he or she must sign in at the school office before being admitted to class. If the student does not check in at the office, he or she will be counted as absent on the official records. If the student has a valid excuse for being late (doctor’s appointment, etc.), the student must bring a written note from a parent, guardian, or physician before the tardy will be excused. Also, please be aware that three (3) unexcused tardies will be counted as one (1) unexcused absence. Please note that if a student arrives before 7:30 AM, the student must stay in the office with the faculty member. This requirement is for the safety of our students. If your student is dropped off before a faculty member can monitor him or her in the classroom, this provides an opportunity for potential harm. This is why we require all students to wait in the office with the faculty member until his or her teacher arrives on campus or completes before school preparation in his or her classroom.
Picking Up
School ends at 3:30 PM, unless otherwise communicated. No regular day school student will be allowed to leave the school campus earlier than 3:30 PM without a written note from his or her parent or guardian concerning early dismissal. This note must also include whom the student is to leave with and at what time. The adult who is picking up the student must check the student out of the office. Phone calls to see if a student may go home with another student simply due to recreational reasons are not permitted. Please inform anyone picking up your student to check in at the school office. We will then send for your student. I.D. will be requested if the person is someone unknown to Somerville Christian School staff. Also, please forward any court documentation concerning custody issues that would not allow a parent or family member to checkout your student. We must have this on file in the office, or we will have to release the student to the parent requesting pick-up. Please note that if a student is checked out of school before 12:15 PM, the student will not be counted present for the whole day. A student must be in school for a total of four and a half hours for it to count as a school day.
Visitors are welcome at Somerville Christian School, but please be aware that all visitors must check in at the school office first for safety purposes. Students are not allowed to bring friends from other schools or out of town visitors to school, because this often distracts from the learning process. However, special permission may occasionally be obtained from Somerville Christian School administration and faculty depending upon the circumstances. Special permission must be requested by the student and parent before these visitors will be allowed to spend the day in class with your student. Please note that this request can be denied at any time for any reason. Do not bring a visitor to spend the day with a student without prior approval. They will have to go home. There will be no exceptions. If the student must go home with the visitor, he or she will have an unexcused absence.
A new law has gone into effect regarding the use of tobacco products by juveniles. The Youth Access to Tobacco Act 39-17-1504 states that juveniles found in possession of or using tobacco must be issued a citation to appear before a juvenile court judge. The citation will be issued by a Law Enforcement Officer or by a School Principal.
The Fayette County School System will be required by law to seize any tobacco product in the possession of a student. Somerville Christian School will follow this requirement. The student will receive a citation and will be required to appear before a Fayette County Court Judge. Any parent who has questions concerning this law will need to contact his or her child’s School Principal or the Attendance and Records Supervisor. Somerville Christian School requires that this document be reviewed thoroughly by all parents and students. Each student and parent must sign the Handbook Signature Sheet, which indicates that this document and others included in the Somerville Christian School Handbook have been read and understood.
1. No weapons of any kind are allowed on school property. If your child is caught with
or has anything to do with weapons being brought onto school property, including
the parking and play areas, he or she will be dismissed from Somerville Christian
School. Please be aware that the law enforcement authorities will be notified and
criminal charges will be brought against anyone involved in any type of weapon
being brought or used on school property. Weapons are considered to be anything
that is used to cause bodily harm to another person or to oneself.
2. Threats of violence against another person will not be tolerated. If a student threatens
violence of any kind against a student or staff member, he or she will be dismissed
immediately from Somerville Christian School. Please be aware that the law
enforcement authorities will be notified of any threats of violence.
3. If there is a suspected conspiracy to harm a person or persons at Somerville Christian
School, the proper law enforcement authorities or any other needed party will be
notified and appropriate action will be taken.
4. If any violence is threatened or occurs, please be aware that Somerville Christian
School will notify proper law enforcement authorities first, and then, parental or
guardian notification will be made.
5. Please be aware that Somerville Christian School has a ZERO TOLERANCE policy
against all types of weapons and threats of harm. We will take whatever action is
needed to protect individuals from harm, and we will follow through with student
expulsion and criminal charges, if necessary.
Each student and parent must sign the Handbook Signature Sheet, which indicates that this document and others included in the Somerville Christian School Handbook have been read and understood.
Lunch Program
All students should bring their lunch and snacks to school. An outside vendor will be preparing lunches and supplying snacks that students may purchase. Somerville Christian School is not responsible for prices, payments, or charging for this vendor. On certain “special” days, the school will serve a hot lunch. Parents will be notified as to the date.
Primarily due to cost and liability factors, Somerville Christian School does not provide transportation. Any effort of parents to facilitate transportation of students will be welcomed!
Day School and Home School Extension Dress Code
1. When on Somerville Christian School Campus, all students must wear neat and clean jeans or dress pants of any color and plain T-shirts, Christian T-shirts, collared polo style shirts, or collared button down shirts of any color. The shirts can be long or short sleeves. No T-shirts with screen printing or writing of any kind are allowed unless they are Christian. All undershirts worn must be white. No low rise/ hip hugging pants, no tight pants, no ripped pants, and no excessively baggy or stained pants are allowed. Girls are allowed to wear skirts and dresses that reach below the knee when seated. Girls are allowed to wear Capri or ankle pants as weather permits. Boys and girls may wear khaki or jean shorts that come to the knee as weather permits. Boys and girls mustwear belts at all times. Boys and girls are allowed to wear shirts un-tucked as long as an undershirt is tucked in with belts on at all times.
Outerwear: (No secular logos; no rock emblems, country emblems, profanity, and/or gang emblems)
Sweatshirt/ Sweater (“Hoodies” may be worn, but the hood should not be on the student’s head at any time while at school.)
2. Please note that boy students are not permitted to have piercing of any kind, and girl students are only allowed to wear two earrings in each ear.
3. Students should not have tattoos. If they have tattoos they must be covered at all
4. Students should not have “wild” or neon hair color, boys are not allowed to have hair that reaches their necks or past their ears or eyebrows. No outrageous hairstyles are allowed. Young men must be clean shaven.
5. No body piercings are allowed. If a student has a body piercing they must be covered or taken out.
6. No chains, spikes, or “gothic” type accessory may be worn.
7. Shoes must be enclosed. We prefer that students wear shoes with rubber soles to decrease the potential for falls and other accidents. No flip-flops. No sandals. No combat boots or any type of hard soled or pointy toed boots are allowed. No excessively thick soled shoes (i.e. “stack”). Girls should not wear excessively high-heeled shoes.
8. No excessive make-up. No extremely dark or outrageously designed make-up is allowed.
9. No low cut clothing. No excessively tight clothing. No ripped clothing. Please do not come to school in hunting apparel. Note: Abdomens, backs, buttocks, and cleavage MUST NOT are exposed at any time.
10. Students must look presentable. Stained, torn, and/or wrinkled clothing are not allowed.
11. Hats and caps are not permitted on the Somerville Christian School campus at all. During the winter months, students will be able to wear toboggans or knit hats on the outside for warmth.
*** Please note that changes to this dress code are subject to change.***
Somerville Christian School
Somerville Christian School Administration and Faculty expects all students enrolled in any Somerville Christian School Program to adhere to the following school rules. We ask that the students and parents/guardians review the following rules:
1. Students are expected to attend school on all scheduled days, unless his or her parent or guardian has called to inform Somerville Christian School that the student will be absent due to a reasonable situation ( sickness, doctor’s appointment, etc.). The students is still expected to make-up any work or test that he or she missed. All work and tests are expected to be made-up within two days of his or her return to school, unless special permission for an extension is granted by Somerville Christian School Faculty and Administration. All students who have been absent or tardy must present a written excuse from a parent, guardian, or physician upon his or her return in order for the absence or tardy to be “excused”.
2. All students who have been tardy must check in at the office, and he or she must present a written excuse from a parent, guardian, or physician upon his or her return in order for the tardy to be “excused”.
3. If the student is absent, a parent or guardian must arrange to have make-up work picked up. If the student is tardy, he or she may obtain any make-up work from his or her teacher. Ultimately, it is up to the parents, guardians, and students to obtain any make-up work from the teachers. Again, all make-up is due within two days of returning from an excused absence or tardy, unless other arrangements are made with faculty and administration. If the absence or tardy is unexcused, the student is expected to make up all work within one day of his or her return to school. If the work is not made up as directed above, the student will receive a “zero” for the assignment missed. Please note that an “excused” absence or tardy requires a note from a parent, guardian, or physician. Teachers reserve the right to a “zero” for assignments missed due to an unexcused absence or tardy.
4. Turn in all class work or homework on the designated due date. If class work or homework is not submitted on the day that it is due, the student will receive a “zero” for that assignment at the teacher’s discretion.
5. If the student is absent or tardy on a test day, it is the student’s responsibility to make-up the test within two days of his or her return from an “excused” absence. If the absence is unexcused, the student will be expected to make-up the test on the day he or she returns to school. If the test is not made up as directed above or if other arrangements are not made and approved by the teacher giving the test, the student will receive a “zero” for that test grade. Again, it is the parent’s, guardian’s, and /or student’s responsibility to ensure that make-up tests are scheduled with teachers in the time frame issued above. If a student is informed of a test prior to missing school and the student returns on the day of the assigned test, he or she is expected to take the scheduled test. Exceptions will be made only concerning serious incidents in absence.
6. Any student leaving school prior to 3:30 PM must have parent/guardian permission communicated to the teacher and office staff. . If the student becomes sick while at school, the same rule applies. The student must inform the teacher that he or she is sick and needs to go home. At that time, contact must be made with a parent/guardian to obtain permission for early dismissal. The student is expected to make-up all work as if it was an excused absence. Any student leaving early must be signed out in the school office by an authorized party. If the above stipulations are not met, the student will not be allowed to leave the premises. Please remember that three leave earlies equal one absence.
7. Cheating, copying, or sharing unauthorized work is NOT TOLERATED. Do not plagiarize. Do not copy other students’ bookwork, homework, quizzes, test, etc. The first offense is an automatic “zero” on the material in question and parent notification. The second offense is receiving a “zero” on the material in question, being sent to see the Somerville Christian School Principal, and parent notification. The 3rd offense includes all of the previously mentioned consequences and suspension or expulsion, based upon the severity of the situation. Somerville Christian School promotes Christian character and morals. We expect all students to be aware that cheating is a serious violation, and will be treated as such. We also expect students to be prepared for the consequences of the violation and to accept responsibility for his or her actions. Please be aware that any student found cheating will automatically be removed from any “honors” status held.
8. Tardiness is not tolerated. If a student is late to class, the student must check in at the school office before being admitting to class. He or she must bring a note from a parent / guardian or the doctor’s office and from the school office to be admitted back into class with an excused tardy. If the student does not have a note from the above sources, the tardy is unexcused. Remember that regardless of why the student is tardy, he or she still responsible for any make-up work. Please remember that three tardies will equal one absence.
9. All students are expected to bring all necessary textbook and supplies to class each day. Please note that each student is responsible for bringing in homework, reports, and projects on time as well. If the student is unprepared, this will effect his or her overall grade. Repeated offenses will result in a meeting with parents or guardians to resolve problems. Teachers reserve the right to assign “zeros” for any late work.
10. The student is expected to refrain from talking, giggling, and laughing with other students when he or she should be paying attention to classroom instruction or doing assigned work. Repeated violations of the above rule will effect his or her overall grade. Repeated offenses will result in meeting with parents or guardians to resolve problems and/or possible suspension and/or expulsion.
11. The student is expected to adhere to the Somerville Christian School dress code at all times. Not adhering to the dress code can effect the students overall grade. If a student is not dressed appropriately, he or she will be sent home or asked to have a family member bring the appropriate attire to school. If a student returns home or has to miss class to change into his or her clothing, the student will receive a “zero” for the missed work and have an unexcused absence if they must return home.
12. Disruptive and/or disrespectful behavior is NOT TOLERATED. All students enrolled at Somerville Christian School are expected to show respect to all faculty, administration, guest, and other students. All students are expected to display a good Christian character and morals during any school activity. The first violation results in parent notification and one day of “In School Suspension”. The second violation results in parent notification and three days of “Home Suspension”. The third violation results in parent notification with a mandatory parent/teacher meeting and possible dismissal from Somerville Christian School. Please note that faculty members are allowed to handle this issue at their discretion with communication to administration in certain circumstances.
13. The student is expected to display good Christian character and to participate in school activities, unless special permission is obtained from the teacher and the school administrator excusing the student from selected class participation. Refusal to participate in class or school activities can affect his or her grade.
14. All students are expected to keep their work areas neat and clean. All students are expected to clean up their work areas after each class period, in order to maintain neat and organized classrooms. Students are expected to keep lunch areas and campus grounds neat and clean by
picking up after themselves. If a student refuses to clean up after himself or herself, he or she will have one day of “In School Suspension”. Repeated offenses will result in parent notification and/or three days of “Home Suspension.”
15. Damaging, defacing, or misuse of Somerville Christian School properly is NOT TOLERATED. Any student found responsible for defacing or damaging Somerville Christian School property will be expected to pay for the total cost of repairs. Somerville Christian School expects parents and guardians to reinforce these rules, as parents and guardians will assume ultimate responsibility for paying repair expenses. The first offense will also result in parent notification and one day of “In School Suspension”. The second offense will also result in parent notification and three days “Home Suspension”. The third offense will also result in parent notification and possible dismissal from Somerville Christian School.
16. Students found with cigarettes, lighters, or any tobacco product and paraphernalia will have all products confiscated by Somerville Christian School. The first offense is a parent meeting with a member of Somerville Christian School faculty or administration. The second offense is parent notification and a three-day “Home Suspension”. The third offense is parent meeting with administration and possible dismissal from Somerville Christian School. (This is in addition to the Youth Access Tobacco Act 39-17-1504.)
17. No student is allowed to have Ipods, MP3 players, headphones, etc. at school. If a student brings one of these items to school, the student will first receive a verbal warning. The second offense will result in having the item confiscated for the remainder of the nine-week period or for the entire year. The items confiscated will be released to a parent at the end of the school year. Students can be suspended depending upon the circumstances.
18. Somerville Christian School does not tolerate music that contains curse words or suggestive lyrics. In addition, Somerville Christian School does not tolerate loud music on campus or the areas surrounding the school. A violation of inappropriate or loud music will result in parent notification for the first offense. The second offense will result in a parent meeting and one hour “After School Detention”. The third offense will result in a parent meeting, a three day “Home Suspension”, and possible restricted driving privileges for student drivers to Somerville Christian School.
19. Somerville Christian School has “ZERO TOLREANCE” for any student found with alcohol, drugs, drug paraphernalia, found or suspected of being under the influence of alcohol or drugs, or caught selling illegal substances. Any violation of this rule will result in immediate expulsion and notification of appropriate legal authorities. If a student is suspected to be involved in any of the above circumstances, faculty will inform administration who will determine the best course of action.
20. Students are not allowed to use cell phones and/or tablets at any time during school hours. If a student brings one of these items to school and found using one of these items, the student will first receive a written warning, the cell phone and/or tablet will be confiscated and will be returned only to a parent/guardian. The second offence will result in a parent meeting and one hour “After School Detention”. The third offense will result in parent meeting, a three day “Home Suspension” and the student will not be allowed to bring his or her cell phone to Somerville Christian School. Repeated offenses may result in expulsion from Somerville Christian School.
21. Somerville Christian School reserves the right to act upon suspicion of a rule violation and search backpacks, purses, desks, shoes, socks, jackets, cars, and lunch boxes. We also reserve the right to have students empty their pockets. If a student is found in serious violation of possessing an item that he or she should not have at school, the student will be suspended and/or expelled depending upon the circumstances.
22. Suspensions are unexcused absences. If a student fails to meet any established criteria concerning a suspension, the student cannot return to school. Each day the student fails to comply will be an unexcused absence.
23. Students should not show public displays of affection such as hugging, hand holding, inappropriate touching, or kissing with others. Students should not use suggestive verbal or body language. Students should maintain an appropriate distance from one another. The first violation will result in a verbal warning and parent notification. The second offense will result in a
written warning, parent notification, and three days “Home Suspension”. The third offense will result in a parent meeting and possible dismissal. Faculty members are allowed to deal with these incidents at their discretion.
24. Physical aggression and/or verbal aggression, including raising one’s voice or cursing, towards anyone at Somerville Christian School is NOT TOLERATED, even in jest. Students should refrain from trading insults and “bullying” others by making verbal or physical threats. The first offense will result in parent notification and three days of “ In School Suspension”. The second offense will result in parent notification and three days of “Home Suspension”. The third offense will result in a parent meeting and dismissal from Somerville Christian School.
25. Physical aggression, verbal aggression, and/or disrespectful behavior towards a Somerville Christian School Employee are ABSOLUTELY NOT TOLERATED. Somerville Christian School has a “Zero Tolerance” policy against this activity, and any student violating this rule will be immediately and permanently dismissed from Somerville Christian School. This offense may also result in legal charges.
26. Theft of school or personal property is NOT TOLERATED. The first offense will result in parent notification and three days “Home Suspension”. The student and his or her parent or guardian must replace the property stolen or return it. The second offense is a parent meeting and possible dismissal from Somerville Christian School
Each student and parent must sign the Handbook Signature Sheet, which indicates this document and others included in the Somerville Christian School Handbook have been read and understood.
Somerville Christian School
Home School Regulations
1. Home School Students are expected to follow the same policy, rules, and regulations as Day School Students.
2. Students are expected to be dressed according to the Somerville Christian School Dress Code when on campus, whether they are testing or not.
3. Any student who fails a test will be allowed to retake that particular test. The two test grades will be averaged.
4. Students will be required to have at least one test per subject completed every three weeks. This is mandatory testing required for every student enrolled. If students repeatedly fail to meet this requirement, they will be turned in to the Board of Education for truancy.
5. All students are required to take at least three tests per subject each nine-week period. (Example: If you were signed up to take six subjects that would mean you need to take three tests for each of the six subjects. This would total 18 tests for that nine-week period.)
6. Home School testing hours are on Monday through Thursday from 9:00 AM until 2:00 PM.
7. Lost books will not be replaced. We order only what we need. If a book is lost, the student must pay for the cost of the replacement book and the cost of shipping.
8. If tuition payments are behind, the student will not be allowed to test and new books will not be released until the tuition payments are brought up to date.
9. Somerville Christian School can request achievement test scores, previous report cards, and possibly a Somerville Christian School entrance exam before ordering books for a student if his or her functional grade level is in question.
10. Parents are not allowed to help students take tests and/or give students the answers to questions on the test.
Somerville Christian School
Signature Sheet
All parents and guardians must sign the waiver below agreeing to read the Somerville Christian School Handbook and reinforce the content with their child(ren).
Parent/Guardian: I_____________________________, have received the Somerville Christian School Handbook. I agree to read and review all of the information in this book with my child(ren). I agree to reinforce all policies, procedures, rules, and consequences with my child(ren).
Student(s) Name(s):______________________________________________________
Parent/Guardian Signature:________________________________ Date: __________
1. Somerville Christian School Vision and Mission Statements
2. Legal Status of Somerville Christian School and Non-discriminatory Policy
3. Somerville Christian School Faculty
4. Admissions Policy
5. Enrollment Procedures and Required Documents for Student Records
6. Kindergarten and First Grade Entrance Requirements
7. Courses Offered
8. Required Course for Graduation
9. Grading Periods and Grading Scale
10. Policy on Promotion and Retention
11. Honors and Awards
12. Fire, Tornado, Emergency Actions, and Inclement Weather
13. Board of Directors
14. Dropping Off and Picking Up Procedures
15. Tobacco Policy and Weapons Policy
16. Lunch Program and Transportation
17. Dress Code
18. School Rules
19. Home School Regulations