Somerville Christion School Vision
Our purpose is to offer a Christ-centered education to children and youth, with the goals of leading lost souls to Christ and mentoring the development of Christian character.
Somerville Christian School Mission
Somerville Christian School was started for the purpose of providing a quality Christ-centered education. We believe the most important thing in any person’s life is to know Jesus Christ as his or her personal SAVIOR. Our mission is to provide a quality Christ-centered education, and we believe that children and youth benefit most from learning about Christ in an integrated academic setting. At Somerville Christian School, we use the ABeka curriculum for our Day School Program. ABeka is a challenging, Christ-centered curriculum that integrates the word of God into each and every subject text. We also use a similar curriculum for our Home School Program, the Accelerated Christian Education (A.C.E.) curriculum is widely used in home school programs across America, and it also incorporates the Word of God into the lessons. We also believe that part of a Christ-centered education is to develop Christian character. By instilling the word of God into the lives of children and youth at Somerville Christian School, we are building a foundation for a Christian life. Each and every faculty member at Somerville Christian School is committed to building this Christian foundation and to educating your children and youth.